Japan-based Online International Education Platform

English Summer School 2023

Venues to run courses
① Oxford Brookes University
② Royal Holloway College, London
③ Bradfield College, Reading
④ Reading Bradfield College
⑤ Greenwich University, London
⑥ Sparsholt College, Winchester
⑦ Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
⑧ Tottenham Hotspur Football Summer Camp

Schedule A: 17 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 24 July 2023 (Departure)
Schedule B: 31 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 7 August 2023 (Departure)
Schedule C: 31 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 13 August 2023 (Departure)
Subject field
Education, Language
Course coordinator
Masumi Akaishi
High school
Secondary school
Elementary school
Fee: 1750 GBP
ICC International Communications Councilロゴ;
9 lectures
Required time
Two weeks
Japanese, English
Japanese, English
Required Japanese language level
Take a course
Start month
Jul, Aug
Open period
Other information


    • Last update
    • 2024-06-16
    • Start month
    • Jul, Aug
    • Required time
    • Two weeks
    • Lecture time
    • 60min more
    • Open period
    • ~
    • Delivery method
    • Hybrid
    • Course restrictions
    • FCFS
    • System requirements
    • None
English, Summer school, Culture, International, Junior and senior high school students


Venues to run courses
① Oxford Brookes University
② Royal Holloway College, London
③ Goldsmith College, London  
④ Winchester Sparsholt College 
⑤ Reading Bradfield College
⑥ Edinburgh Heriot-Watt University
⑦ Tottenham Hotspur Football Summer Camp
English Summer School 2023
English Summer Schools 2023
English Summer Schools 2023
Intensive English lessons to improve 4 skills: Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading
Intensive English Lesson
College residence
Schedule A: 17 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 24 July 2023 (Departure)
Schedule B: 31 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 7 August 2023 (Departure)
Schedule C: 31 July 2023 (Arrival) ~ 13 August 2023 (Departure)
Pre-arrival lesson: 30 June 2023
Feedback: 18 August 2023
Pre-arrival and Feedback lesson
The fee is different according to the venue and the duration of the summer school.
The Fee
Apply for the course by 30 April 2023.
Early Bird Discount
1 June 2023 for a group booking
20 June 2023 for an individual booking
Application Deadline
Online Application


Course coordinator

Programme Director
Asia Programme
ICC International Communications Council

The Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C, USA,  the Protocol

University of Oxford, Lecturer

University of Cambridge, Lecturer

University of London, SOAS, Lecturer

University of British Columbia, Lecturer

ICC International Communications Council, Programme Director


Communication ability, International character, Autonomy


 “Polite and friendly” students from Japan for the summer 2022!

M.Y. from St. Ursula Gakuin Eichi Senior High School, Sendai-city, Miyagi-prefecture, Japan

K.M. from HOSEI University Kokusai High School, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa-prefecture, Japan

The photos below are not free from copyrights.







To improve your speaking

・Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you don’t make mistakes you don’t need a teacher!

・Be adventurous and don’t use ‘safe’ language (language you already know) all the time. Instead, try language you’re unsure about.


To improve your writing

・Keep a diary in English.

・Collect model texts e.g., letters, articles and essays.

・Buy a good learner dictionary.

・Buy a good thesaurus.


To improve your reading

・Read a short article in an English newspaper or journal every day.

・Try to increase your reading speed. Time yourself daily over texts of similar lengths and difficulty. Aim for 70% comprehension.

・Try to work out new words from the context. Use a dictionary only when essential.

・Look at a headline and try to guess vocabulary, tenses etc. Read and see if you are correct.


To improve your listening

・Find something interesting to watch on TV

・Find a radio station you like, preferably one that has a good mix of music, news and discussions and debate.

・Try being an actor. Find a DVD that you like. Choose a scene that you like with a short dialogue.


To improve your grammar

Think of some grammar that you want to work on. What do you already know? See how much you can remember then check any notes that you have made in class.

・the form (how it is made)

・the meaning

・when it is used



To improve your vocabulary

・Keep a notebook for new words, verbs, expressions etc.

・Have a special section for phrasal verbs, grammar, irregular verbs, idioms/proverbs, collocations and synonyms/antonyms.

・Don’t record everything in the same notebook or use file separators if you are using a folder

・Structure how you record new items.

・Try to make a sentence using the word, or even write a paragraph using 5 new words.

・Make sure you know how to pronounce the word.

・Look again at the new words that you learn at the end of each day and again at the end of the week.


Course requirements

Venues to run courses
① Royal Holloway College, London
② Greenwich University, London
③ Bradfield College, Reading
④ Sparsholt College, Winchester
⑤ Oxford Brookes University
⑥ Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Age group:10 years old ~17 years old

Accommodation: College residence

Full board

Free wifi

Number of applicants: 1 to 20 students

Dates A : 17 July 2023 (Arrival) – 24 July 2023 (Departure)

Dates B : 31 July 2023 (Arrival) – 7 August 2023 (Departure)

Dates C : 31 July 2023 (Arrival) – 13 August 2023 (Departure)

The fee:1,750 GBP per person

Applications will be accepted until 1 month prior to the course start date on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fees include application fee, tuition, accommodation, meals and airport transfer services.

The fee: 1,750 GBP per student

The followings are included in the fee.

1. Registration fee
2. Programme fee
Tuition online and onsite
Accommodation: College residence
Meals: 3 meals a day
Free wifi
Farewell Gala Dinner
Tour to London
Airport transfer services
Certificate of Attendance


The followings are not included in the fee.

1. Round trip airfare

2. Overseas travel accident insurance

3. School expenses (The students can travel to and from the university and their homestay, on foot, by bus, or by bicycle.)

4. Pocket money

5. VISA application fee, if needed.

6. Options




Video surveillance system is on 24 hours every day on campus.



① Royal Holloway College, London   


Sample Programme, Royal Holloway College, London

Participants’ Sample Nationalities Argentina icon Italy icon Russia icon Croatia icon China icon Israel icon Greece icon Brazil icon France icon Georgia icon Japan icon Kazakhstan icon Portugal icon Saudi Arabia icon Thailand icon Turkey icon Vietnam icon


② Greenwich University, London

Sample Programme, Greenwich University, London

Participants’ Sample Nationalities Argentina icon Brazil icon China icon Italy icon Russia icon Spain icon Turkey icon


③ Bradfield College, Reading 

Sample Programme, Bradfield College Reading

Participants’ Sample Nationalities Argentina icon Bulgaria icon China icon France icon Italy icon Russia icon Turkey icon United Arab Emirates icon


④ Brighton University 

Sample Programme, Brighton University

Participants’ Sample Nationalities Argentina icon Italy icon Russia icon Turkey icon Ukraine icon


⑤ Greenwich University


⑥ Sparsholt College, Winchester

Sample Programme, Sparsholt College, Winchester

Participants’ Sample Nationalities China icon Italy icon Kazakhstan icon Portugal icon Russia icon Spain icon Turkey icon


⑦    Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Sample Programme, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh

Participants’ Sample Nationalities Bolivia icon Chile icon China icon Greece icon Italy icon Portugal icon Romania icon Russia icon Spain icon Ukraine icon

