Terms of Use
Terms of Use
Applicability of Terms of Use
- These Terms of Use shall apply to a User of the JV-Campus Platform operated by JV-Campus when that User uses the Platform Service.
- User is deemed to have consented to these Terms of Use when it accesses the JV-Campus Platform and applies for the Platform Service.
The terminology in these Terms of Use is defined as follow.
JV-Campus is the operating entity for the JV-Campus Platform. Specifically, the operating entity for JV-Campus is the University of Tsukuba.
JV-Campus Platform
JV-Campus Platform is the domain administered and operated by JV-Campus to provide the Platform Service.
Content is the lecture footage, lecture materials, and all other information provided or attempted to be provided to User by the Content Provider via the JV-Campus Platform.
Content Provider
The Content Provider is the party that provides Content to User via the JV-Campus Platform.
Damage, etc.
Damage, etc. is damage, loss, or expense irrespective of whether they result from a demand from a third party, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.
Antisocial Forces, etc.
Antisocial Forces, etc. are organized crime groups, organized crime group members, persons who have been an organized crime group member in the last five years, quasi-members of organized crime groups, organized crime group affiliated enterprises, corporate racketeers, etc., political racketeering organizations, criminal organizations specialized in intellectual crimes, or other similar parties.
The Platform Service
The Platform Service is the platform service provided by JV-Campus to the User and the Content Provider.
The Agreement
The Agreement is the agreement executed between User and JV-Campus in order to use the Platform Service and all other agreements (including these Terms of Use), individually or all collectively.
User is a person who agrees to these Terms of Use, applies to use the Platform Service, and whose application is approved by JV-Campus.
Use Registration Applicant
Use Registration Applicant is a person who wishes to become a User of the Platform Service.
Use Registration
- Use Registration Applicant shall understand and agree to these Terms of Use, and complete the user registration procedure separately established by JV-Campus.
- In the event that Use Registration Applicant is a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance, it is necessary to secure the agreement of the statutory agent, guardian, curator, or assistant with authority to consent (however, only in the event that agreement to these Terms of Use is an action that requires the consent of the curator or assistant).
- When Use Registration Applicant’s application is approved via a method separately established by JV-Campus, Use Registration Applicant shall become a User and the Agreement between JV-Campus and User shall take effect.
- If JV-Campus determines that one or more of the following items is applicable, it may reject Use Registration Applicant’s application:
- Use Registration Applicant is already a User;
- Use Registration Applicant violated these Terms of Use in the past and membership was cancelled;
- A false statement, incorrect statement, or omission was made during the User registration process;
- Use Registration Applicant is a minor, adult ward, person under curatorship, or person under assistance, the agreement of the statutory agent, guardian, curator, or assistant with authority to consent is necessary, but such agreement was not obtained;
- Use Registration Applicant is not a natural person; or
- JV-Campus otherwise determines that Use Registration Applicant’s registration is inappropriate.
ID and Password
- After giving its approval as set forth in Article 3, JV-Campus shall issue to User an ID and password for use of the Platform Service.
- Only the User itself may use of the ID.
- User shall store the ID and password issued by JV-Campus with the due care of a prudent manager.
- JV-Campus may deem all operations, requests, etc. made through the ID issued to User to be operations, requests, etc. made by the User itself. User shall bear responsibility for all operations, requests, etc. made through the ID issued to it.
- If User learns that its ID was used without authorization, User shall immediately notify JV-Campus. In this event, JV-Campus may take necessary measures such as temporarily suspending the use of the relevant ID.
Notification of Changes
- In the event that there are changes to the information provided when registering for the Platform Service, User shall promptly make notification of the changes via the method prescribed by JV-Campus.
- Even if User suffers a disadvantage due to a failure to provide notification as set forth in the previous paragraph, JV-Campus shall bear no liability for it.
Equipment, etc.
User shall prepare communications devices, software, and other equipment, etc. necessary to use the Platform Service at its own expense and responsibility. User shall connect to the Platform Service via the Internet at its own expense and responsibility.
Provided Service
JV-Campus shall provide the Platform Service to User through the JV-Campus Platform.
Granting of Credit, etc.
User understands and acknowledges that JV-Campus only provides the Platform Service and cannot grant credit, credentials, etc. to User for using Content provided by a Content Provider via the Platform Service.
The granting of credit, credentials, etc. to User is regulated by the agreements and other relationships between User and the university, corporation, or other organization that provides the relevant Content. JV-Campus has no involvement in it and shall bear no responsibility for it.
- User shall pay to JV-Campus the usage fee for the Platform Service as specified by JV-Campus by the date determined by the Content Provider.
- In the event that there is a change to the registered payment method or a change to a different payment method, User shall notify JV-Campus without delay.
- User may not take the following actions in using the Platform Service:
- Unauthorized use of the ID and password (including, but not limited to, allowing a third party to use them without the prior approval of JV-Campus);
- Using or providing harmful programs such as computer viruses through or in relation to the Platform Service;
- Accessing the Platform Service using automated means (robots, botnets, scrapers, etc.);
- Distorting user engagement measurement results or causing a third party to distort them;
- Using the Content for purposes that are for profit or not personal, such as an on-screen presentation of Content for a non-exclusive group of persons or a large group of persons (except for cases in which the Content Provider explicitly agrees to the action or the action is permitted by laws and regulations);
- Spam activity such as the following:
- Consecutively posting identical or similar text in an area of the Platform Service available for posting;
- Posting lists of multiple irrelevant or weakly relevant phrases, significantly long text, or large volumes of text in an area of the Platform Service available for posting; and
- Consecutively posting identical URLs in an area of the Platform Service available for posting.
- Reproduction such as recording video or audio of Content or taking screenshots, mirrored streaming, public transmission such as posting reproduced Content to video sharing sites, and other actions that constitute or are likely to constitute infringement of an author’s moral rights or copyright (except for cases in which the author or copyright holder explicitly agrees to the action or the action is permitted by laws and regulations);
- Actions that constitute or are likely to constitute infringement of a third party’s property, privacy, or image rights;
- Actions that discriminate against or defame a third party, or damage the reputation or credibility of a third party;
- Criminal activity or activity that promotes or is likely to promote criminal activity;
- Actions related to sex-related business, religion, politics, or sales;
- Actions that violate laws and regulations, these Terms of Use, or public policy;
- Actions that obstruct the operation of the Platform Service;
- Actions that damage the credibility or property of JV-Campus;
- Actions that cause disadvantage to JV-Campus;
- Actions that violate a Content use policy or similar rules established separately by the Content Provider; and
- Actions other than the items above that JV-Campus deems inappropriate.
- In the event that (6), or (8) through (16) of the preceding paragraph are applicable to a post made by the member in an area of the Platform Service available for posting, or is there sufficient reason to determine that one is applicable, JV-Campus may delete the relevant post.
- In the event that a member’s post, etc. results in an inquiry, complaint, lawsuit, or other dispute by a third party, the member shall resolve that dispute at its own responsibility and expense.
- User may not take the following actions in using the Platform Service:
Suspension/Cancellation of User Credentials
In the event that one of the following items becomes applicable to User, JV-Campus may suspend or cancel User’s credentials, delete some or all of User’s data, and take other necessary measures:
- It is found that circumstances set forth in Article 3.4.(1) through Article 3.4.(5) exist;
- Violation of these Terms of Use;
- JV-Campus otherwise determines User to be unsuitable as a User.
- JV-Campus shall bear no liability whatsoever for any damage caused by User becoming unable to use the Platform Service as a result of the measures in the preceding paragraph.
In the event that one of the following items becomes applicable to User, JV-Campus may suspend or cancel User’s credentials, delete some or all of User’s data, and take other necessary measures:
Changes, Alteration, etc. of the Platform Service
- JV-Campus may cancel or alter provision of the Platform Service in whole or in part or change the name without prior notification to User. User consents to this in advance.
- The Content Provider may cancel or change, in whole or in part, Content it provides or plans to provide. User consents to this in advance.
Temporary Interruption of Platform Service
- When conducting maintenance of equipment, etc. for the Platform Service, JV-Campus shall provide notification at least two business days in advance of the date maintenance is performed. User gives prior consent to temporary interruption of the Platform Service when maintenance takes place.
JV-Campus may temporarily interrupt the Platform Service without prior notification to User when the circumstances set forth in the following items occur:
- Communications become unusable;
- Emergency maintenance of equipment, etc. for the Platform Service is conducted;
- The Platform Service cannot be provided due to fire, power outage, etc.;
- The Platform Service cannot be provided due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, or tsunami.;
- The Platform Service cannot be provided due to war, unrest, riot, conflict, labor dispute, etc.; or
- JV Campus otherwise determines that temporary interruption of the Platform Service is necessary for operational or technical reasons
Personal Information
JV-Campus will collect personal information from User and use it based on the JV-Campus Personal Information Protection Policy [posted at https://www.jv-campus.org/en/privacy-policy/]. That Personal Information Protection Policy will be incorporated into these Terms of Use and constitute part of these Terms of Use. By agreeing to these Terms of Use, User also agrees to have the Personal Information Protection Policy applied to it.
Compensation of Damage
In the event that User causes Damage, etc. to JV-Campus arising from or related to its failure to perform obligations under the Agreement, User shall compensate or indemnify JV-Campus for Damage, etc. based on this Article.
Exemption of Liability
- The Platform Service will be provided as JV-Campus is able to provide it on an “as is” basis. JV-Campus makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the Platform Service (including, but not limited to, warranties related to fitness for a particular purpose, title, marketability, completeness, usability, safety, compatibility, or absence of rights infringements, as well as warranties that the Platform Service will be uninterrupted, free of viruses or other harmful elements, accurate, without error, or trustworthy).
- JV-Campus shall not bear any liability whatsoever for damage to User that occurs as a result of use of the Platform Service, irrespective of the reason.
- In the event that these Terms of Use become subject to the Consumer Contract Act, the limitation of liability in the preceding paragraph shall not apply. In this case, the scope of JV-Campus’s liability for compensation of damage to User in relation to use of the Platform Service or the Agreement shall be limited to actual and ordinary damage suffered by User for reasons attributable to JV-Campus or as a direct result of JV-Campus’s violation of the Agreement, irrespective of liability for non-performance of obligations, liability for unlawful acts, or other legal cause of action. JV-Campus shall not bear liability for compensation of damage arising from reasons not attributable to JV-Campus, or damage or lost profits, etc. arising from special circumstances irrespective of whether JV-Campus foresaw it.
Assignment of Rights, Obligations, etc.
- User may not assign, transfer, cause succession of, make the subject of a security interest, or dispose of in any other way its position as a party to the Agreement or rights and obligations under the Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of JV-Campus in writing.
- JV-Campus may assign (including general succession) its position as a party to the Agreement or rights and obligations under the Agreement, in whole or in part. User consents to this assignment in advance.
Exclusion of Antisocial Forces
- User affirms and warrants that it does not fall under the definition of Antisocial Forces, etc. or any of the following items, and will not do so in the future:
- Having a relationship in which it can be found that Antisocial Forces, etc. control management;
- Having a relationship in which it can be found that Antisocial Forces, etc. are materially involved in management;
- Having a relationship in which it can be found that Antisocial Forces, etc. are improperly being used for illicit gains, personally or for a third party, or harming a third party, etc.; or
- Having a relationship in which it can be found that there is involvement such as providing funds, etc. or support to Antisocial Forces, etc. despite knowing they are organized crime group members, etc.
- User affirms and warrants that actions that fall under the following items will not be taken personally or by using a third party:
- Making violent demands;
- Making unreasonable demands beyond legal entitlement;
- Using intimidating words or actions or violence in relation to transactions;
- Damaging the credibility of the other party or obstructing the other party’s business by spreading rumors, using deception, or using force; or
- Other actions equivalent to the preceding items
- In the event that User breaches this article, JV-Campus may immediately cancel the Agreement without notice or other procedure.
- Even in the event that User suffers damage as a result of cancellation pursuant to this article, JV-Campus shall not bear liability for compensation of that damage. JV-Campus may also seek compensation of damage from User for damage it suffers as a result of that cancellation.
- User affirms and warrants that it does not fall under the definition of Antisocial Forces, etc. or any of the following items, and will not do so in the future:
Amendment to These Terms of Use
- JV-Campus may amend these Terms of Use in the event that it conforms to the general benefit of User or JV-Campus determines it to be reasonable based on consideration of the purpose of the Agreement, necessity of the amendment, suitability of the amended content, etc.
- When amending these Terms of Use, JV-Campus shall notify User by posting the details and effective data of the amendment on the Terms of Use page of https://www.jv-campus.org/en/terms-of-use/.
In the event that any article, provision, or part thereof of these Terms of Use is held to be void or unenforceable, the remaining articles, provisions, or parts thereof of these Terms of Use shall continue in full force and effect without becoming void or unenforceable.
The official text of these Terms of Use is in Japanese. Even in the event that translations of these Terms of Use are created in other languages for reference purposes, only the official Japanese text shall have legal effect. Translations in other languages shall have no effect whatsoever.
Exclusive Jurisdiction
The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance if litigation between User and JV-Campus becomes necessary.
Governing Law
These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.
- Established January 22, 2022
- Revised March 10, 2022
- July 21, 2022