Subject | Natural Science

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Organizational Environmental Assessment - Calculating for organizational greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2) and the situation in Japan

In order to advance activities to prevent global warming, we will set common global reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for each country. In order to set and work on reduction targets for the world and for each country, it is necessary to calculate and know the greenhouse gas emissions of each company. In order to calculate an organization's greenhouse gas emissions, we will provide an overview of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol and introduce the Scope 1 and Scope 2 calculation methods using examples.



    • Teacher
    MARUYAMA Naoki
    Professor, Graduate School of Regional Innovation Studies,
    Mie University
    • Teacher
    OKUYAMA Tetsuya
    M-EMS Certification Organization


Learning Goal

  • Be able to understand trends in carbon dioxide emissions by industry
  • Understand the basics of international standard Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocols
  • Can calculate Scope 1 and Scope 2

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