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Lantern-Lit Night Roaming Dadaocheng 提燈夜遊大稻埕

Lantern-Lit Night Roaming Dadaocheng Have you been to Dadaocheng in the nighttime? Let's take lanterns on a night stroll in Dadaocheng with NCCU CLC! Introduction of Longing for the Spring Breeze (Background music) “Longing for the Spring Breeze” is a Taiwanese folk song composed by Dèng Yǔxián, with lyrics by Lǐ Línqiū. The song depicts a shy young girl longing for love. With the accompaniment of Mr. Shānpíng on the Yuèqín (moon guitar), foreign students started learning the song and sang along. At the same time, the students have been introduced to the culture and history of Dadaocheng. If you like this video, please give us a big thumbs up and share it with your friends. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and click the bell button if you don’t want to miss our newest post. We sincerely welcome you to study Chinese at NCCU Chinese Language Center. 提燈夜遊大稻埕 你去過夜晚的大稻埕嗎? 和政大華語文教學中心一起提燈夜遊大稻埕吧! 背景歌曲介紹: 望春風 望春風是一首由鄧雨賢作曲、李臨秋作詞的臺灣民謠.這首民謠的內容是在描寫 少女含蓄又期待愛情的嬌羞精神。在山平老師用月琴伴奏的教唱下, 讓學生在不知不覺和由淺入深來接納大稻埕在地文化的學習。 望春風 歌詞 “Longing for the Spring Breeze” Lyric 獨夜無伴守燈下 to̍k-iā bô-phuānn tsiú ting-ē/ At night alone under a dim lamp, 清風對面吹 tshing-hong tuì bīn tshe/ the spring breeze blows across my cheek. 十七八 未出嫁 Tsa̍p-tshit-puè-hè, bē tshut-kè/ I am a teenager and unmarried, 見著少年家 kìnn tio̍h siàu-liân-ke/ and I see a young man 果然標緻面肉白 kóo-liân piau-tì bīn-bah pe̍h/ good-looking and kempt of course 誰家人子弟 suî ke lâng tsú-tē/ The son of which family? 想欲問伊驚歹勢 siūnn bueh mn̄g i kiann pháinn-sè/ I intend to ask him, but I'm shy. 心內彈琵琶 sim-lāi tuânn pî-pê/ My heart is racing like the rapid notes of a pipa




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