Subject | Engineering
【YOKOHAMA-SXIP 2023】Safety Engineering Video 1
- Safety Engineering
Video Title:Environmental Damage Caused by Electroplating Plant Fire – Contaminated Firefighting water- YOKOHAMA-SXIP Program has created videos on safety in order to learn from past cases and draw lessons for building a safer and more resilient society. It is hoped that the examples of past accidents at chemical plants and fire water contamination during fire extinguishing will encourage people to think about what measures could have been taken to prevent similar accidents. <Production> Yokohama National University YOKOHAMA-SXIP <Supervisors> Kazuho Nakamura, Naoya Kasai, Atsumi Miyake
- Logical thinking ability
- Problem finding ability
- Problem solving skill
- Situation grasping ability
Q & A for SXIP Video 1;
1) Please describe how to estimate the total amount of firefighting water.
・JEG model is proposed by the “Joint Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents”, which is easy to use and safe. The JEG model estimates 1 m³ of the retention basin per square meter of the protected object surface or its biggest fire compartment・In UNECE(United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)’s firefighting water guideline, which is shown in reference as “Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water”, 8 models are listed in ANNEX II, with their graph comparison.
2) Please describe how to prevent firefighting water flowing
to outside the fence line.
・It is necessary to prepare drain tanks beforehand for firefighting water and hazardous chemicals, contaminated in water, should be properly treated for neutralization. If enough drain tanks are not prepared beforehand, firefighting water should be stored inside the fence line by making instant basin or so to prevent hazardous chemicals flowing to surrounding area.
1) National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. The Use and Storage of Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) at Bayer CropScience. Washington, DC, The National Academies Press;
2) Safety guidelines and good practices for the management and retention of firefighting water;
International Planning Section,
Global Promotion Division,
Yokohama National University