1. Introduction
2. Early development - until the seventh century
3. Development under the dominance of the imperial court - seventh to twelfth century
4. Development under the dominance of the warriors - thirteenth to sixteenth century
The content of this presentation will give an detailed overview about the historical development of the Japanese Martial Arts from ancient to modern times.
1. Introduction
2. Early development - until the seventh century
3. Development under the dominance of the imperial court - seventh to twelfth century
4. Development under the dominance of the warriors - thirteenth to sixteenth century
5. Development under the rule of the Tokugawa Shōgunate - seventeenth to around mid-nineteenth century
6. Excursus - on the terms bugei, bujutsu and budō
7. Development around the Meiji Restoration and into the Modern Era - mid-nineteenth century to the end of the Second World War
8. Reorientation, new developments and international spread - the period after 1945