Japan-based Online International Education Platform

Oxford University Summer Course (Hybrid type) 2023

Apply: 8 April 2024 - 12 April 2024
Application Form http://icc-edu.com/entryform/form.php

① English Communication Course
② Political Science Course(CEFR B1以上)
③ Academic English Course(CEFR B1以上)
④ Creative Writing Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑤ International Law Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑥ Business & Entrepreneurship Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑦ International Relations Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑧ Logic Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑨ Psychology Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑩ Economics Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑪ Business Management Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑫ Data Science Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑬ Computer Science Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑭ Industrial Engineering Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑮ Mechanical Engineering Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑯ Civil Engineering Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑰ Maths Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑱ Physics Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑲ Medicine Course(CEFR B1以上)
⑳ Biology Course(CEFR B1以上)
㉑ Chemistry Course(CEFR B1以上)
㉒ Architecture Course(CEFR B1以上)
㉓ Bespoke Course(CEFR B1以上)

Schedule A:23/07/2023 ~ 05/08/2023
Schedule B:06/08/2023 ~ 19/08/2023
Schedule C:20/08/2023 ~ 02/09/2023
Schedule D:23/07/2023 ~ 12/08/2023
Schedule E:13/08/2023 ~ 02/09/2023
Subject field
Engineering, Data science, Education, Language, International affairs, Humanities & Social sciences, Business & Management
Course coordinator
Masumi Akaishi
Fee: 2730 GBP
ICC International Communications Councilロゴ;
11 lectures
Required time
Two weeks
Japanese, English
Japanese, English
Required Japanese language level
Take a course, Career up
Start month
Jul, Aug
Open period
Other information


    • Last update
    • 2024-07-18
    • Start month
    • Jul, Aug
    • Required time
    • Two weeks
    • Lecture time
    • 60min more
    • Open period
    • ~
    • Delivery method
    • Hybrid
    • Course restrictions
    • FCFS
    • System requirements
    • PC


AM lessons(Onsite):the lessons are international.
PM lessons (Online): the lessons are one-to-one.
Oxford University Summer Course (Hybrid type)
One to one Online lessons in the afternoons are "Project-based Learning" tutorials.
Project-based Learning Tutorial Education
English lessons in the mornings are held with international students.
AM (Onsite): English lessons
① English Communication Course(受講生の英語要件はありません)
② Political Science Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
③ Academic English Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
④ Creative Writing Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑤ International Law Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑥ Business & Entrepreneurship Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑦ International Relations Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑧ Logic Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑨ Psychology Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑩ Economics Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑪ Business Management Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑫ Data Science Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑬ Computer Science Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑭ Industrial Engineering Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑮ Mechanical Engineering Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑯ Civil Engineering Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑰ Maths Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑱ Physics Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑲ Medicine Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
⑳ Biology Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
㉑ Chemistry Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
㉒ Architecture Course(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
㉓ Bespoke Course(上記①~㉒ 以外のコース)(英語要件 CEFR B1以上)
PM (Online): One to one, simultaneous, bidirectional lessons
University students 18+
For whom
Homestay around University of Oxford
Schedule A:23/07/2023 ~ 05/08/2023 2 Week Course
Schedule B:06/08/2023 ~ 19/08/2023 2 Week Course
Schedule C:20/08/2023 ~ 02/09/2023 2 Week Course
Schedule D:23/07/2023 ~ 12/08/2023 3 Week Course
Schedule E:13/08/2023 ~ 02/09/2023 3 Week Course
1 to 20 students for each course
(First-come-first-served basis)
Recruitment number
Apply for the course by 10 May 2023.
Fee and Tuition
First-come-first-served basis
Schedule A: 23/6/2023
Schedule B: 6/7/2023
Schedule C: 20/7/2023
Schedule D: 23/6/2023
Schedule E: 13/7/2023
Deadline for application


Course coordinator

Programme Director
Asia Programme
ICC International Communications Council
  • The Embassy of Japan, Washington, D.C., USA  The Protocol
  • University of Oxford, Lecturer
  • University of Cambridge, Lecturer
  • University of London, SOAS, Lecturer
  • University of British Columbia, Lecturer
  • ICC International Communications Council, Programme Director


Logical thinking ability, Problem finding ability, Problem solving skill, Creativity, Influencing skill, Practical ability, Situation grasping ability, Communication ability, Management ability, Leadership ability, International character, Autonomy, Flexibility, Language proficiency

Oxford University Summer Programme for University students

The lessons in the mornings

The lessons in the mornings are with international students from such as Italy, France,  Hungary, Russia, Belgium, Croatia, Albania, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Poland, Serbia, Israel, Greece, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Chile, China.

The lessons are divided based on the levels of the students’ English proficiencies, 15 to 18 students per class.

Participants’ Sample Nationalities

Argentina icon Italy icon Russia icon Croatia icon China icon Israel icon Greece icon Brazil icon France icon Georgia icon Japan icon Kazakhstan icon Portugal icon Saudi Arabia icon Thailand icon Turkey icon Vietnam icon


The lessons in the afternoons

One-to-one Online lessons

Simultaneous bidirectional lessons

Problem-based learning Tutorial Education

Bring your own pc and earphone.


One-to-one lessons  PBL(Project-based learning)Tutorial

The tutors have degrees and qualifications from University of Cambridge or University of Oxford, providing an unparalleled level of knowledge and experience.
We have over 300 tutors to match with students’ needs.

① Data Science Course

Decision-making Using Data

This is a course to learn about topics such as Big Data, Data Mining, Crypto Currencies, Data Visualization, GDPR, Digital Encryption, and Artificial Intelligence to drive logical decision-making, with the support of the University of Cambridge Mathematics Faculty and Cambridge Judge Business School.

Data Science has grown rapidly in importance and plays a pivotal role in helping organisations leverage data, turning raw information into actionable insights.  It is an interdisciplinary field, using both statistics and computer sciences, to help solve some of the world’s most serious problems.

Look at the picture below.  Is this a rabbit or is it a duck?


One and the same picture can be a rabbit or a duck, depending on how it is construed.

Here, an objective analysis is required in order to prove that it is a rabbit or that it is a duck.  It is not convincing or persuasive just to say that it ‘looks like’ a rabbit or a duck.

Data analysis and statistics have become a focal point of public attention, with their broad range of use cases across industries and applications, from commercial, retail, legal, medical and even political fields.  Data Science has become an inevitable pillar within many organisations, including those of tech giants, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.


② Business and Entrepreneurship Course

The University of Cambridge has produced many leadership figures who were influential and took leadership to the world economy and business.

Students will learn about finance, marketing, logistics, import and export system and gain a better understanding of core business concepts relating to setting up a company, including budgeting and finance, marketing, sustainability and growth. The students will use analytical reasoning and critical evaluation skills to adopt competitive strategies and develop effective presentation skills, to deliver the perfect sales pitch. The course combines contemporary theory with real-world applications, through a focus on case studies and a visit to a thriving, successful business model. The students improve all-round confidence in using English communicatively.


③ Media and Communication Course

Media and Communication studies is interdisciplinary and may well be studied as a foundation for further education, in journalism, television production, multimedia design or graphic design.  It is characterized by traditions of social sciences as well as those of the humanities.  An important principle to Media and Communication is that we apply communication theories to “real” media and communication issues.

The course deals with the mediated communication in our society to gain insight into how the media work, and how communication can function as a means of control at societal and organisational level, as well as to learn about the internet’s importance for democracy, about the medium of television, and about principles of news evaluation.

Furthermore, we will learn about how attitudes are formed and how culture is produced. Through media and communication, we will be given the opportunity to practice how to conduct studies and gather information using different methods, and how to adopt a critical perspective on media as well as other information sources.


④ International Relations Course

The students learn key concepts and skills that can be transferred to a vast array of future opportunities.  The course provides you with an exciting first look into the interdisciplinary nature of International Relations.  The course also helps you explore key International Relations theory and examine modern case studies that follow up current areas of international conflict.

The students learn to find the important issues about international organisations and foreign policy and how those issues affect the current international situation.

International relations is the scientific study of interactions between sovereign states that is a political entity represented by one centralized government  that has supreme legitimate authority over territory.  In a broader sense, it concerns all activities between states—such as war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy  —as well as relations with and among other international actors.

International relations is widely considered as one of the major subdisciplines of political science,  along with comparative politics and political theory.   However, in addition to political science, it draws considerably from international economics, law, and world history, leading some academic institutions to characterize it as an independent or multidisciplinary field.  


⑤ Creative Writing Course

The Creative Writing course is designed for students who want to explore all aspects of the creative process, from writing and editing to critiquing, and much more.

The course helps students to release their creativity and writing skills to their full potential. It is focused on constantly moving from theory to practice to ensure that students explore every milestone with their own ideas and creativity.

The course emphasizes strongly on putting theory into practice, so the students are to be given the opportunity to practice their improved skills through the writing of a short story, but they will not be equipped with the knowledge of how to write better prose, etc.

Students participate in a series of unique curated exercises to flex every aspect of their writing abilities.  They learn quality writing skills like character building, dialogues, using memories in narrative, description, atmosphere, structure and more.  They work busily at writing, revising, editing, and participating in a collaborative process to push their work towards the finishing line.


⑥ Bescope Course

Please contact the following Admissions Office for the courses other than the above courses.



Our Tutors

Many more tutors:

1.Tereza Sample Tutor 2. Christopher Sample Tutor 3. Keji Sample Tutor 4. Jesse Sample Tutor
5. Luke Sample Tutor 6. Phil Sample Tutor 7. Marco Sample Tutor 8. Karl Sample Tutor


Course requirements


Early Bird Discount:30 April 2023

・2,780 GBP (Registration Fee 500 GBP inclusive) by 30 April 2023



What are included in the fee:

1. The Registration fee 500 GBP 

2. The Programme fee

  ① Tuition and materials (Online and Onsite)

  ②    Accommodation: Homestay (Single, private room))Shower and toilet are shared.  Some host families accommodate more than 1 foreign student.

  ③ Meals at the homestay: Breakfast and dinner  

  ④ Wifi 

  ⑤ Social activities (some activities are not free of charge.)

  ⑥ Airport transfer service for arrival between 9am to 9pm


What are not included in the fee:

1. Round airfare

2. Personal spending money

3.    Travel Abroad Insurance 

4.   Application fee for visa. (ICC provides the forms to apply for visa, but the student him/herself has to apply for it at his/her nearest consulate/embassy.

5.    The commuting expense between the school and the host family (The students commute by bus, bicycle, or on foot to the school.)



Schedule A  Arrival 23/07/2023 ~ Departure 05/08/2023 

Apply :http://icc-edu.com/entryform_en/form.php


Schedule B  Arrival 06/08/2023 ~ Departure 19/08/2023 



Schedule C  Arrival 20/08/2023 ~Departure 02/09/2023

*28 August 2023 is a bank holiday, and no lessons on this day.




∗ It is possible to take the Schedules A and B, or the Schedules B and C, in which case refer to the fee reduction.

∗ The student’s required English proficiency:CEFR B1+, TOEFL iBT 61 – 99+, TOEFL CBT 173 – 247+, TOEIC 550 – 870+(Refer to the scale below.)

English Proficiency Conversion

Evaluation method



Participation to the course






Hospital:Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, OX3 7LE

Clinic:King Edward Street Medical Practice, 9 King Edward Street, Oxford, OX1 4JA

Pharmacy:Boots, 6-8 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, OX1 3HL

Special notes


・北海道大学 https://www.hokudai.ac.jp

・琉球大学 https://www.u-ryukyu.ac.jp

・大阪大学 https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp

・立命館アジア太平洋大学 https://www.apu.ac.jp

・白百合女子大学 https://www.shirayuri.ac.jp

・神戸市外国語大学 https://www.kobe-cufs.ac.jp

・東京理科大学  (tus.ac.jp)Tokyo University of Science|


