和張老師學泡茶 (How to brew tea) - 茶文化系列(三)
On Air
教學重點/ Key Educational Points 一、認知/Cognitive 1. 了解泡茶的順序:燒水、溫壺溫杯、溫潤泡、茶海、第一泡、奉茶、怎麼喝、杯底香、整理杯子。 Understanding the tea brewing process. (Water boiling, cup-warming, pre-brew, tea serving cup, first brew, tea service, how to taste, lasting fragrance, cup-cleaning) 2. 茶具也是茶文化的一部份 The tea set is a part of the tea culture as well. 二、情意/ Emotion 1. 能夠感受茶室空間擺設與修身養性的文化之間的關聯。 To feel the connection between the tea house decor with the traditional culture of ‘self-cultivation.’ 2. 能夠感受並且描述出泡茶過程中的時間感。 To know the feeling and describe the timeline of the tea brewing process.