From a cultural and historical perspective, we will use classical literature to examine how people in the Muromachi and Edo periods (the 14th to 19th centuries) viewed sake.
The second of a three-part course on sake and "Sakeology." Under the theme of "sake, society, and culture", we will introduce the semantic world of sake in terms of economics, society, history, and culture. From a cultural and historical perspective, we will use classical literature to examine how people in the Muromachi and Edo periods (the 14th to 19th centuries) viewed sake. From a legal perspective, we will focus on the specific designation system, which is how sake is classified, and consider its definitions and the quality of sake. Furthermore, from the economic aspect, we will present an outline of sake's international expansion.
From a cultural and historical perspective, we will use classical literature to examine how people in the Muromachi and Edo periods (the 14th to 19th centuries) viewed sake.
From a legal perspective, we will focus on the specific designation system, which is how sake is classified, and consider its definitions and the quality of sake.
From the economic aspect, we will present an outline of sake's international expansion.