Japan-based Online International Education Platform

Oxbridge Admissions Programme Summer

This summer course is for very ambitious students to prepare for studying at Oxford / Cambridge University.

Like the students of Oxford / Cambridge University, these high school students will have a tutorial lesson and study the first year’s subjects of the universities. They will learn the level and quality of teaching during the summer school and their experiences will prepare them to apply to university.

The University of Oxford is the oldest and the University of Cambridge is the second oldest in the English-speaking world and are now a collegiate public research university. These two 'ancient universities' are often referred to jointly as 'Oxbridge' and share many common features. The outstandingly high academic standard is the wealth of these Universities and this has made it one of the most prestigious universities in the world today.
Subject field
Natural science, Medicine & Health, Education, Language, International affairs, Humanities & Social sciences
Course coordinator
Masumi Akaishi
High school
Fee: 2960 GBP
ICC International Communications Councilロゴ;
11 lectures
Required time
Short time
Japanese, English
Japanese, English
Required Japanese language level
Take a course, Career up
Start month
Jul, Aug
Open period
Other information


    • Last update
    • 2024-07-25
    • Start month
    • Jul, Aug
    • Required time
    • Short time
    • Lecture time
    • 60min more
    • Open period
    • ~
    • Delivery method
    • Hybrid
    • Course restrictions
    • FCFS
    • System requirements
    • PC
Highschool student, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Summer School, Study Abroad Programme, Admissions


AM lessons(Onsite):Intensive English
PM lessons (Online): Oxbridge Admissions Programme
Oxbridge Admissions Programme
Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading skills are practiced to improve.
AM (Onsite): Intensive English
PBL Tutorial Education
PM (Online): One to one, simultaneous, bidirectional lessons
PBL(Project-based learning)Tutorial Education
Oxbridge Admissions Programme
PM (Online): One to one, simultaneous, bidirectional lessons
Senior Highschool students
For whom
Homestay around University of Oxford
Schedule A:28/07/2024 ~ 04/08/2024
Schedule B:28/07/2024 ~ 10/08/2024
20 students for each schedule for University of Oxford Admissions Programme
20 students for each schedule for University of Cambridge Admissions Programme
Recruitment number of the students
Apply for the course by 1 December 2023.
Early Bird Discount
Schedule A:30/5/2024
Schedule B:30/5/2024
Application Deadline


Course coordinator

Programme Director
Asia Programme
ICC International Communications Council

The Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C, USA,  the Protocol

University of Oxford, Lecturer

University of Cambridge, Lecturer

University of London, SOAS, Lecturer

University of British Columbia, Lecturer

ICC International Communications Council, Programme Director


Logical thinking ability, Problem finding ability, Problem solving skill, Practical ability, Situation grasping ability, Communication ability, Leadership ability, International character, Autonomy, Flexibility, Ethics, Language proficiency



Oxbridge Admissions Programme 

English proficiency: CEFR B2+、IELTS 5.5+、TOEFL iBT 69+、TOEFL CBT 192+、TOEFL PBT 521+、TOEIC 600+相当値

Course code:

・Oxford Course Code A Schedule Course Code MC160723OX   B Schedule Course Code MC300723OX   C Schedule Course Code MC300723OX2W

・Cambridge Course Code A Schedule Course Code MC160723CAM   B Schedule Course Code MC300723CAM   C Schedule Course Code MC300723CAM2W




Introduction to UCAS
The UK’s ‘Universities and Colleges Admissions Service’ can be a daunting prospect to international students at first. These masterclasses introduce the organisation to help give students a better understanding of their use.

Personal Statements
Writing a personal statement can be an integral part of a student’s university application process, and these classes will help students to boost the quality of their submission.

Interview Skills
Preparation is the key ingredient for interview success. Adhering to a few tips and tricks when planning for an interview can provide improved results.


The subject insights 


Every year, millions of tourists are awestruck by the architectural masterpiece of Oxford’s and Cambridge’s city centre. What better backdrop for students who are looking to embark upon their journey of becoming a qualified architect? This course will introduce the basics of design and implementation, as well as exploring some of the historical and cultural issues that influence the field.



Biology studies the building blocks of all living things from plants to animals to humans. During this course, students will be introduced to genetics, molecular biology and environmental biology to gain a deeper understanding of how the environment we live in functions.



In today’s rapidly developing globalised economy, it is imperative that future leaders of their generation learn how to transcend borders and adopt an international outlook. In this course, students will explore the issues affecting multinational companies in terms of finance, economics, human resources, organisational theory and marketing. It provides an excellent foundation in how such global enterprises run and paves the way for a degree in a similar subject, helping students build the skills they need to manage an international brand.



Comprehending the foundations of chemistry are fundamental to gaining an understanding of how life is constructed. Chemical bonds, atomic structures and equilibria all have a part to play in this detailed course subject.



Everything we see around us such as roads, buildings, bridges, railways and power stations are developed through Civil Engineering. In this course, students will investigate the mathematical and structural design processes that are vital to understanding this subject and delve into the world of impressive buildings and infrastructure implemented across the globe to keep our societies operating.



In this topic, students will have the opportunity to understanding and study the key areas of Computer Science: algorithmic processes, computational machines and computation itself. Students will not only investigate the theoretical processes but also the practical issues of implementing computational systems into softwares.



Now more than ever economic matters are crucial to our everyday lives. While microeconomics studies the economic behaviour of the individual unit, such as a person, household or individual firm, macroeconomics focuses on all of the units combined together and is the study of the system as a whole. This course introduces basic concepts and tools used in macroeconomics analysis such as the theory, measurement and determination of national income, budget deficits, national debt and exchange rates.



The course will start from the very origins of philosophical thought, dating as far back as Aristotle and Plato, and will explore the basic principles of philosophy, before moving on to tackle some of the most intricate and fascinating questions which have troubled eminent philosophers in more recent years. From Beowulf to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, classical literature has provided inspiration to generations of writers and thinkers over the years.



Whilst numbers and formulas make up a large portion of finance & accounting, it also includes elements of forward thinking in how to apply the theory of the subject to real life businesses. This course will introduce students to a range of topics including financial accounting, financial auditing and taxation to give students a strong foundation for pursuing a degree in this topic.



The late 19th and early 20th century saw rapid and wide-ranging changes to the political, social, cultural and economic fabric of the United Kingdom. Studying these chronologies and the British influence on global conflicts gives an insight into the modern society we currently live in. Understanding our links to the past helps to interpret possible mechanisms of change in the future.



Since time immemorial, art in all its forms has been used to convey feelings and aspects of human life: from religion, to science, to ideals of beauty and beyond. This course will examine how art has changed over time and what it can teach us about the past, encouraging students to analyse and evaluate art works.



This course provides an introduction to the rules and functions of international law by exploring the different areas it encompasses. The history of international law will be examined, to provide some context, before focusing on the more specific topics of the international protection of human rights, recognition, jurisdiction, the use of force, and the United Nations organs. This subject is ideal for those looking to study law at university and those with a general interest in these topics.



As digital and social media merge with traditional communication methods, changing the way businesses operate, there really couldn’t be a more exciting time to study marketing. In today’s highly competitive global economy, effective marketing and advertising lie at the very heart of every successful business. Ranging from global marketing to brand and corporate communications, this course will help you develop essential career skills like critical analysis, creativity and problem-solving.



For those wanting to further their knowledge in one of the most essential subjects that affect a multitude of fields, this advanced mathematics course looks at various areas of algebra, calculus, probability and statistics, complex numbers, defining the derivative, the definite integral and a study of differential and integral calculus.



This branch of engineering revolves around the design, development and and operation of machinery. Combining engineering physics and maths, students will be introduced to mechanical systems from design stage all the way through to maintenance.



On the course, you will gain an overview of the workings of the nervous and immune systems, both having profound implications for human health. This will help you examine the arguments of nature versus nurture for the causes of some ‘modern’ diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. This is an ideal course for students wishing to study medicine, or for those with an interest in the issues surrounding our future health.



One of the oldest academic disciplines, including the paradigm-shifting work of Cambridge graduate Isaac Newton, Physics has changed the manner in which we understand the world. This course covers the major breakthroughs in classic physics, beginning with Newton. Students will gain a foundation in areas of modern physics including relativity, quantum mechanics and cosmology.



What will the world look like in 10 years? How can we solve the current climate crisis? Students explore how scientific ideas and technology are translated to policy before being put into action through networks and global institutions. This subject is ideal for those looking to study social sciences at university and those with a general interest in these topics.



The study of human behaviour has captured scientific minds ever since ancient Greek philosophers theorised that mental illnesses were of a physical, rather than divine nature. The study of psychology leads to a greater understanding of people and thus a background in psychology can boost your employability, whichever career path you choose to pursue. This tutorial covers key issues in social and cognitive psychology, nature vs. nurture, and psychological research methodology.


Exam Specific Preparation Classes への参加

・医学部入学志望生対象:BMAT Exam (The Bio Medical Admissions Test)




・法学部入学志望生対象:LNAT Exam( The Law National Aptitude Test)

LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law) | University of Oxford


Outstanding Team of Tutorsテューターのプロフィールを見るために、マウスをあててクリックしてください。)

Many more tutors:

1.Tereza Sample Tutor 2. Christopher Sample Tutor 3. Keji Sample Tutor 4. Jesse Sample Tutor
5. Luke Sample Tutor 6. Phil Sample Tutor 7. Marco Sample Tutor 8. Karl Sample Tutor


Course requirements



What are included in the fee:

1. The Registration fee 1,000 GBP 

2. The Programme fee

  ① Tuition and materials (Online and Onsite)

  ② Accommodation: Homestay (Single, private room))Shower and toilet are shared.  Some host families accommodate more than 1 foreign student.

  ③    Meals at the homestay: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

  ④ Social activities (some activities are not free of charge.) 

  ⑤ Wifi access

  ⑥ Airport transfer service for arrival and departure between 9am to 9pm


What are not included in the fee:

1. Round airfare

2. Personal spending money

3.    Travel Abroad Insurance 

4.   Application fee for visa. (ICC provides the forms to apply for visa, but the student him/herself has to apply for it at his/her nearest consulate/embassy.

5.    The commuting expense between the school and the host family (The students commute by bus, bicycle, or on foot to the school.)



Schedule A   Arrival 28/07/2024 ~Departure 04/08/2024



Schedule B Arrival 28/07/2024 ~Departure 10/08/2024




English Proficiency Conversion

Evaluation method



Attendance to the course





Hospital:Churchill Hospital, Old Road, Headington, OX3 7LE

Clinic:King Edward Street Medical Practice, 9 King Edward Street, Oxford, OX1 4JA

Pharmacy:Boots, 6-8 Cornmarket Street, Oxford, OX1 3HL

Special notes

These are images for your reference only.


