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生活中的茶飲 (Tea in daily life) - 茶文化系列

文字稿/ Script 開門七件事:「柴、米、油、鹽、醬、醋、茶」說的是生活中的必需品。柴用來生火,米、油、鹽、醬、醋都是每天吃飯需要的,最後一個是茶,可見茶在中華文化裡是很重要的。 The Seven Essentials: Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. These are daily necessities. Firewood to light fires; rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar to cook everyday meals; and, last but not least, tea, which you can see has great importance within Chinese culture. 早晨起床,喝杯茶可以讓你神清氣爽;飯後喝杯茶,可以去油解膩;客人來到家裡,也要請人喝杯茶。 A cup of tea early in the morning makes you feel awake and a cup of tea after meal wards off lethargy, so when someone comes over to your house, you should offer a cup of tea. 誰喝茶?可能有人覺得,說到泡茶,就會想到老人坐在涼亭底下,慢慢兒地悠哉的泡茶。可是,現在,喝茶比以前容易多了。因為在超市、便利商店、手搖飲料店,販賣機,都可以買到茶。所以,年輕人也越來越常喝茶了。 Who drinks tea? Some people will think that when you’re talking about brewing tea, it means an old person brewing a leisurely pot of tea in a pavilion. But now drinking tea is easier than ever. That’s because supermarkets, convenience stores, handmade tea shops, and vending machines all sell tea. So, young people are drinking tea more and more often, even if they’re not brewing it themselves. 在手搖飲料店,有各式各樣的茶飲料可以選擇,除了常見的紅茶、烏龍茶,還有很受歡迎的奶茶和水果茶。茶裡面還可以加一些配料,像珍珠、仙草、芋圓什麼的。最重要的是,在手搖飲料店還可以選擇甜度和冰塊,組合成自己喜歡的飲料。 At a handmade tea shop, there are many tea drinks to choose from. Apart from the common black, green, and oolong tea, they’ll also have milk tea and fruit tea. Apart from the tea itself, you can also add other ingredients like boba, grass jelly, and agar-agar jelly. Most importantly, at a handmade tea shop, you can choose the sweetness and amount of ice to match your drink preferences. 要是想自己泡茶,也很簡單,除了茶行以外,超市和百貨公司也可以買到茶葉、茶包,只要燒個熱水,就可以自己泡一杯好茶了。對了,現在也很流行冷泡茶,就是把茶包或是茶葉放到瓶子裡,放在冰箱幾個小時,就可以有一杯好喝的茶了! If you like to drink tea but can’t go to a handmade tea shop, you can still go to a convenience store or vending machine, both of which will have canned teas for sale, also available with and without sugar. If you want to brew your own tea, it’s also easy. Outside of specialty tea retailers, you can also buy tea leaves or bags at supermarkets or department stores. Then, just boil water and brew a cup of tea for yourself. And it’s also popular these days to cold brew tea, meaning you put the tea bag or tea leaves into a bottle and refrigerate it for several hours to make a delicious tea. 你喜歡什麼時候喝茶呢?不管你什麼時候想喝茶,在台灣都可以很容易找到茶。下次來台灣的時候,試試不同種類的茶吧! When do you like to drink tea? It doesn’t matter when because in Taiwan, you can easily get tea whenever. Next time you get the chance to come to Taiwan, try out some different kinds of tea!




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    • 国際性
    • 語学力

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