分野 | 自然科学
Calculus (3)
- Mathematics
- Calculus
Having discussed Calculus on functions of a single (real) variable in MATH4006-7, this course turns to an introduction (and applications) of multivariable (mainly 2- and 3-variable) Calculus, which is the foundation for various disciplines in Science and Engineering. Topics to be discussed include : - Partial derivatives, - Continuous and differentiable functions in multivariables, - Chain rule and directional derivatives, - Second derivative test for two-variable functions and the method of Lagrange multipliers, - Double and triple integrations. Definitions are discussed and the most important theorems are derived in the lectures with a view to help students to develop their abilities in logical deduction and analysis. Practical applications of Calculus in various fields are illustrated in order to promote a more organic interaction between the theory of Calculus and students' own fields of study.
- 講師
Tsoi Kwok-WingDepartment of Mathematics
- リテラシー
- 論理的思考力