分野 | 工学
MOOC - 機械・電気工事測定
About This Course This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for measurement works (mechanical and electrical engineering works) according to the Standard Method of Measurement for Building Works (SMM2). It is for the purpose of preparation of bills of quantities and estimation. In this course, learners will get to explore 10 topics on Mechanical and Electrical Works Measurement. The topics covered are: Introduction to Mechanical & Electrical Works Measurement Prime Cost Sums & Provisional Sums Cold Water Services Sanitary Plumbing System Underground Drainage Electrical Installations - Single Phase Electrical Installations - Three Phase Air Conditioning Installations - Split Unit Air Conditioning Installations - Centralized Fire Fighting System Once enrolled in this course, learners are required to attend a minimum of eight (8) studio works in relevant Mechanical and Electrical Works Measurement for building projects. All the learning materials provided inside this course refer to the Standard Method of Measurement – Second Edition (SMM2).
This course is suitable for learners with a background in mechanical and electrical engineering works.
- 論理的思考力
- 実践力
- 柔軟性
Senior Lecturer
Department of Quantity Surveying
Faculty of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
E-mail: sarajul@utm.my | Website : www.fab.utm.my/sarajul